2022-23 poetry class (and writing colloquium) notes
the pronunciation of terror
drilling into me like water
trapped with strange eyes
that’s fucking interesting!
hoc est cur I stopped and started
lo, the seam of wood. I trip over words sometimes
of course of course of course
alex is forcing their voice down and didn’t check the class list. I don’t give a shit and I think they were right that one time. They seem sadder. Not like how I do.
when does the library wake up again?
That’s your prerogative, that’s your prerogative. He speaks slower and more thoughtful. Sitting nervous. One of the things I loved the most about him was how his voice didn’t sound like a teenager’s. Half annunciated like he’s always tired. Low. Warmly self-conscious and apologetic. He sounds peaceful right now.
the prof. has ink smears from his hands on his face
portfolio - 6-infinity poems
not electric. electrified.
bring 13 copies of poem.
thin, in messy gorgeous boy-hair, well-read, maybe high
it’s gonna happen at night
What did I know, what did I know
of love’s austere and lonely offices?
terrifying fun
tactile details
almost redeemed by what he tried to say
or hands. or hands. he reaches for her’s and thinks of nothing
I have to write so much shit
I have to go to so many zine fairs
I have properly fucked myself over
Layman. we don’t even touch, we just fall asleep
late late hours, Tor browsers, what happens when you leave a guy or several guys alone in a room for too long or too often, people who only move around at night, shitty gabber sets, Wayback archivists, metalheads, girls’ bodies, competitive intellectualism, weird drugs, drumming, rooms without windows, people with no tattoos, concept of play, concept of light, time (platonic), used condoms, paraphilias, colors, blogs
Half-Light by Frank Bidart poem
or bring criticism
write something else
all watered down reds and blues of my body. your reds, your blues and greens
play guitar again
what amazes me is that you can remain on fire
go off the rails
be happy to be alive
what do you do when someone is reading your poetry
very very strange guy
subterranean presence
the greatest thing ever written in the English language and unbearable to read
What happens after you?
Liz says to write to Ryan McGinley
Write about what?
I believe in a few things and I believe in you
what on Earth are they writing down
the dream in the dream’s language.
consider what you will find in
the black garden
And its court
”It’s information.”
but I won’t promise anything
a cruel person with a kind streak, yelling all the things you wouldn’t speak
if the truth can destroy it, maybe it should
you said you disagreed, but of course you would
fuck your cast of characters
fuck garageband
wanna know how many freckles are on that girl’s nose
I think I was writing less because, for the first time in my life, I’ve had people to say things to
If I had been a boy everyone in high school would’ve thought I was a school shooter
It’s just Elsinore out there
I made you up and I can take you down