january to may (2024).
links to note collections are reverse chronological, notes themselves are chronological.
architectural styles
poem per week
toggle, hook and eye buttons, safety pins, espresso cups
from Annie:
3. Live love live wire life line
5. Trying to formulate, build the body that will next lie with me.
tonight i wanna be your best friend
architectural expressions of resentment.
goddamn it! this is how you lose the time war!
Have you ever had sex?
How can you be a nymphomaniac and never had sex?
I’m choosey.
...I needa shave.
girl i am in the snow and mountains
Dearest 0000FF,
Rastaman vibration. New York City. Crown does not leave. Rather, it stays underneath my scalp and emerges only when I’m SHITFACED in New York.
It is foolish and hazardous not to dance in Africa.
But we can still do something weird in a building for a night - if we have time to experiment, if we get comfortable with failure and confrontation.
I looked all around for penthouses on the first floor, but I can’t find one.
Let’s just say we’re two equal mysteries
Traveling swallowing Dramamine
Look at your face like you’re killed in a dream
And you think you’ve figured out everything
I think I know my geography
pretty damn well
I would talk to Geoff about books after shows. I can’t imagine a better influence on me at that age. I don’t think I’ll ever comprehend how much it meant to me.
Live passionately the question
my white hair
keeps your sleep lit
We need to start writing and worlding at age 18
all pursuits of knowledge are exercises in longing
Is this not a war, or rather a war such as has never been before?
The fashion was to dress a little more androgynous, or feminine...while also writing lyrics about killing girls. Kind of a weird juxtaposition.
What happens here is underground
gonna go take over the world this weekend
Daiki vs. everything
I have always come to things after coming to books.
(though in every story there are thousands of protagonists, visible and invisible, alive and dead)
social awareness is next to godliness
You look pretty good for a dead messenger
I attained a small amount of coolness late in the game, which I wield so I don’t have to care whether other people are cool (would not have let me sit with them at lunch) anymore.
How close the cosmos were to my window
”the mindforce track on the post is interesting because the riff makes me feel like i’m at a sick basement show and the vocals make me feel like im in a home depot”
The Congress of the World began with the first moment of the world and it will go on when we are dust.
Space is not the measure of distance. A garden wall at home may enclose more secrets than the Great Wall of China...
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Ever see a pas de deux around an anatomical dissection? You will.
Pain is an anachronism. I have great confidence in morphine.
he is lost in the ruin of himself and we must bring him home.
a good title speaks for itself, this one doesn’t
Here is a foul storm. You accepted it, and you took its measure.
You bear terrible thoughts; it is almost painful to be near you. At the same time it is enticing. Do you know why?
I would go to a boring-ass metal show for you, my dear
”The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you’re uncool.”
So I’d moved out to California but I was pretty lonely, so I would just take Ambien and stay up and stuff. I would send out bizarre, super-tripped-out emails. I sent one to my manager that was like, ”Yo, let’s be the first band to play on all five continents.”
He was like, ”There’s seven continents.” I was like, ”Oh, tight.”
S&M exposes the cruelty of absolute power. But the last thing you need in a war is S&M
I’d very much like to be equal to you
The light looks just like yours
dongxi- word for ”thing” in Chinese, literally east/west
The only story you’ll ever tell. If you survive him
I trust that man to the end of the universe, and actually, we’ve been.
an accidental dance
Of course you don’t believe in god, you grew up in Long Island
you can boo me now, haha
my name’s angelo
this bowl makes it feel like my first time skating
We’d cover our ears inside our souls. But you can’t stop it that way
what gives you hope about the future of humanity? this thing we got going?
I guess the past
survivable. You’ll be fine
Blood, that euphemism for what moves in us.
And all my soul is scent and melody
Man, the imperfect librarian, may be the work of chance or of malevolent demiurges; the universe, with its elegant appointments- its bookshelves, its enigmatic books, its indefatigable staircases for the traveler, and its water closets for the seated librarian- can only be the handiwork of a god.
Let it...get to you. You what that’s called, being alive, best thing there is.
Dragons cannot be seen all at once. They cannot be held all at once in the mind.
Thunder over heaven
thunder moves in accordance with heaven
Penis or not, I’m still disqualified from running the world.
Jess, I still taste you, and thus reserve my right to hate you
And all this empty space that you create
does nothing for my flawless sense of style.
I think these pockets of communities are the closest thing to magic we humans have
He believed that ’great literature’ is the commonest thing in the world, and that there was hardly a conversation in the street that did not attain those heights.
Courraggio (italian for courage. sounds better in italian, no?)
cranberry morpheme
I need an armoir, an espresso machine, and an upright piano
And all my glances, compromising and useless.
All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing.
”everything I do is based on seduction.”
Being idiots, they thought this unremarkable.
Some people tell you that even as it is, the world is good, and life is a beautiful thing. Personally I don’t go that far.
The equator of a heart
Speak for yourself.
Do you think I’d speak for you? I don’t even know your language.
between the shadow and the soul.
you’re home free as soon as no one knows where to find you
Under your tweeds, you sweat like a teenager
hot girls (who hate your guts)
Why not?
You can be a good friend, I can be obsessed with walking home alone
He dreamed the heart warm, active, secret about the size of a closed fist, a garnet-colored thing
see you on the dance floor, see you on the streets
In another universe you’re still my best friend
This guy is going to destroy civilization as we know it, and the earth, and all because of these people who don’t have any idea why they’re alive.
free speech does have a volume limit
but there went our welcome to the dramatic young artists who stayed up all night writing bleak fantasies fueled by caffeine and nicotine. There went autonomy.
shirt that says ”Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”
Notes on your dramatic exit from the house party
at Triviae lenis species et multus in ore
frater erat, Phoebique genas et lumina Phoebi
esse putes, solusque dabat discrimina sexus.
half of new jersey and all of warped tour
I strongly suspect you’re worth more to me less.
Can these wise but fragile outsiders continue to survive as the modern world collapses around them?
Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
passing thought of the century
cheat code to magic
Time is an accident, and I am grateful for the moment you came crashing by.
The best translations into English do not, in fact, read as if they were originally written in English. The English words are arranged in such a way that the reader sees a glimpse of another culture’s patterns of thinking, hears an echo of another language’s rhythms and cadences, and feels a tremor of another people’s gestures and movements
The cool-spot boys ash their hand-rolled cigarettes on her bed.
Playing hard to get on an institutional scale
don’t let me keep you
it’s just my low self-esteem’s at an all-time high
he’s cute, he seems fun, he uses words like ’dapper’... what’s not to like?
I will constitute the field.
You’re kind but you’re not simple.
convergent evolution man
his spine jutting between his shoulderblades like electric cable under duct tape
No man will touch her exclusive soul, shadowy with memories, unstable, suicidal.
If she’s your girl why am I her champion
You got Tennessee tendencies and chemical dependencies
You make the same old jokes and malaprops on cue