summer 2022

”The critics are the outsiders, loners by nationality (how romantic! sure.) You made a statement ’The more cynical you are the more successful you will be as an artist.’ Well to hell with success then- cynicism sucks- contempt sucks- it’s unhealthy. I’ve been there.”

Not with you but of you

June 22 market nu jazz 7 pm
July 24, black midi, summer stage Central Park Ramsey playfield 6 pm
August 20th and 21st, angel olsen and julien baker summer stage rumsey playfield 6 pm
August 26-27, Charlie Parker jazz festival, 7 pm at Marcus Garvey park,
then 3 pm, then 28th at 3 in Tompkins

With all the hope and all the doubt


We’re like a wishing well and a bolt of electricity
We can still support each other, all we gotta do is avoid each other

your better angels have long

Science will figure you out

can’t we all just get along


You want to follow something
Give me a better cause to lead

Loose cannon

I should’ve married you

Part of what made him interesting was that I felt he would dismiss me the moment I bored him.

Jorge luis

from the razor to the rosary, we could lose ourselves

C3-E6 3.25

Let me know if you decide to

Ideation without intent

Kasparov versus the World

Would you choose fame or anonymity?
Here’s the ideal experience: that the flight attendant recognises you, but the guy sitting next to you doesn’t.
What is your guiltiest pleasure?
I never feel guilty about pleasure.
What do you owe your parents?
I don’t believe in debts to people.
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
I would never tell you that.
Have you ever said ’I love you’ and not meant it?
Many times.

The military forbade two news photographers, from CNN and The Miami Herald, from capturing history as it unfolded: They could watch the first prisoners arrive but had to leave their cameras behind.

[Chugs it and experiences the sequel to death]

If you want more anonymity, do not mix together the two worlds.


My thoughts exactly. I’ll keep it realistic is 4096 and 2 subkeys, revocation key, monster entropy, but like you brilliantly wrote, it is still interesting to see how far the software can be pushed.

As she attests in Pretend It’s a City, she was much more at home in the company of jazz legends such as Duke Ellington and the mercurial Charles Mingus, with whom she had a tempestuous friendship- he once leapt off stage during a set and chased her through the astonished audience and several blocks down the street.

RSA algorithm

My boy wears grease that
smells like cinnamon in his hair.
It lingers on the pillows
and I don’t want to forget that.
There aren’t any squash in the garden but
the blooms sure look pretty
like springtime tender
even in the eleventh month.

The actual crisis that’s impossible to face is the notion that someone might actually love you of their own volition, that you will be forced to accept a compliment about you that’s actually true, that the pain you’ve suffered isn’t because you cosmically deserve it in some way but because of machinations of cruelty that are far beyond your control and it turns out you were actually worthy this whole time.


Cowboys of habit

Love is always about violating your own attachment to your intentionality, without being anti-intentional. I like that love is greedy. You want incommensurate things and you want them now. And the now part is important.



Do you know how difficult it is to cut a lime with a butterknife?


from my head to my middle finger, i really think i like you

Oct 4 2016 we sat on a short tiled wall, off smith st, bathed in cool clinical light, on the site of a new apartment development
u are so soft ( to each other )

I laid up for hours in a daze
Retracing the expanse of your American back
With adderall and weed in my veins
You came, I think
Because the marble made my cheeks look pink
But I’m unsure of so many things

if I was looking at the universe- and I think we all have different spots we look it at it from- I think I would be laying down, on the floor underneath it with my hands behind my neck.

(Loaded up, know your trigger like the back of my hand)

I’ll be a story in your head

The burn from alex’s cigarette looks whiter when I’ve been in the sun and it pisses me off

It’s easier for him to acknowledge that you’re not in control when he’s the one in control.

Burmese tiger pit

solo adventures through the underdark


something something like fractured phrases

the apocalyptic need for magic

you can’t fuck with the way of nature

This is where my realness is latched

Talk of a wolf, you know

There no one who will speak boldly except Antius and Favonius: Cato is ill. You need not be afraid for me, but I won’t promise anything.

locus poenitentiae

Short Talk on Brevity... try to leave the skin quickly, like an alcohol rub. An example, from Emily Tennyson’s grandmother, her complete diary entry for the day of her wedding, 20 May 1765: ”Finished Antigone, married Bishop.”

From now on, we are enemies

Drunk dialing, minus the alcohol

You look so good in blue. you look so good in blue.

In control of a broken machine

you were overheard and out of reach
I was drowning when your levee breached
you never really knew me til you truly hated me

No more stars for me to be alone under

I wish that I was in your clothes

Draw the earthquake

Welcome to the brighter/weirder side

I’ve been getting really into ”hell”. Both as a mindset and as something to strive for, in an organizational sense. There’s something intensely beautiful about it.

You know, I’m not that nice

personally i think there’s a lot to be said for walking on something huge and hollow.

The invention of photography constitutes a break in history that can only be understood in comparison to that other historical break constituted by the invention of linear writing.

And the moment i got to rockville
Was the moment i called it off
been meaning to call you

If I’m good; if I’m bored

Rodin- Art
The shape of content Shahn
Towards a philosophy of photography- Vilem Flusser
Scorpio rising
Infinite jest
Less than zero
They can’t kill us until they kill us
Valentino 1977
Not the life it seems
Life with Picasso

Lilith’s boy forever

and no one will probably ever know, especially since he’s a liar.

Interesting, given ”Come with me if you want to live” were the exact words m15o used to lure me here.... :-)

bless the scientist who made you

this time the screaming vocals will come out this time theyre going to sound so awesome and not gay this time theyll be so good theyll be so good i sound cool as fuck ok. shit

It’s almost a secret how annoyingly tender it all is at the core.

467 troutman- there is a roof


They call ’em rogues, they travel fast and alone- draupner wave

I am the one who haunts your dreams of mountains/Sunk below the sea

A corpse dreaming of a ghost

His eyes darken. ”Both.”

I don’t think I have anything else of interest concerning my own life with which to pad out this post. I’m still becoming infatuated with imaginary caricatures of inaccessible strangers...still dreaming of woodland solitude...still trying to drink a little less, so water again for me.

Somewhere in Augusta, Maine is my identity -nat when they lost their id

Death is only waiting for something to begin

August blooms like a bruise on my forearm,
a playful punch from the boy with
hair down to his shoulders.
He smiles as he hits you &
asks you to tell it again,
so you do.

There’s something so beautiful about surrender. The white flag of a body.

”He was a man with an enormous capacity for loving. It shows in his prodigious correspondence...and in the bewildered and inarticulate loves his characters experience in his books.” Like god

How’s your weird brother doing?

today is an anniversary but not a celebration

”We show up at the venue and I took a nap. I had this nightmare where things just didn’t work out. I had to get this regular job and I had to sell my guitars and stuff. It was horrible. When I woke up, I was like, ’Fuck this I’m never having a backup plan.’ So I collected money from everyone in the band, and it came out to be $43,” Frank recalls. ”I walked down the street to a tattoo shop in Richmond, Virginia. I said, ’I have $43 and I want a scorpion on my neck.’”

Moreover, they found that the star that gave rise to the black hole vanished without any sign of a powerful explosion. The discovery was made thanks to six years of observations obtained with the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO’s) Very Large Telescope (VLT).

Gabriel disembodied,
pure column of light.

There are no girls on the internet. However, there are no boys either.

I had a feeling once
That you and I
Could tell each other everything
For two months

I’m only brave when I’m in pain

You know, the guy who kills me, I hope he does it ’cause he hates my guts, not ’cause it’s his job.

To calm your nerves, I’m feeling for my clothes in the dark

There’s just you and me
Maybe that’s just as well
And if there ain’t no heaven
Maybe there ain’t no hell

And so, even in paradise, there are unions and bureaucracy.
CARSON: That’s good to know.

the first cold day in august

recursive islands

the speed of chemicals

Great data can only be enjoyed once you know how to effectively process it to reveal the hidden beauty within.

What about Dr. Song? She dove off a rooftop
Don’t worry, she does that

there’s a will left to survive, and a lot more on my mind that isn’t ordinary.


every secret a shoreline

I found that total creativity involves a certain intellectual rebellion...not to become a criminal, have to do things that are a little bit forbidden. You have to feel free.


ashamed of the way the songs and the words own the beating of our hearts

”Anal is the graffiti of sex”

...all the guns ever invented were invented for Troy. Guns are the red and tender habit of Troy.

If jealousy were a dance it would be a pattern of placement and displacement. Its emotional focus is unstable. Jealousy is a dance in which everyone moves.

What is it that love dares the self to do?

When I die I will come in fast and low. I will stick the landing. There will be no confusion. The dead will make room for me.

New York City subway system- 722 miles of subterranean frustration- is also, it would seem, an incredible engine of romance, loss and lust.


One night, he came to me and he was wearing a green dress and had made himself some angel wings and a halo. He was like, ”You’ve gotta come with me now, you’ve gotta come with me to the 7-Eleven. I need a photograph of this.” So we went to the local 7-Eleven and I photographed him buying gum. That was our relationship: Isaac had all these crazy ideas, and I was totally into capturing them.

The cruelty is incapacitating

I wanna see your bright side
I wanna know your dark side

i’m burning up a sun just to say goodbye

The twins live forever in their own demise. they are sleeping beauties. they have been muses since i first saw them.

Photographing is essentially an act of non-intervention. Part of the horror of such memorable coups of contemporary photojournalism as the pictures of a Vietnamese bonze reaching for the gasoline can, of a Bengali guerrilla in the act of bayoneting a trussed-up collaborator, comes from the awareness of how plausible it has become, in situations where the photographer has the choice between a photograph and a life, to choose the photograph. The person who intervenes cannot record; the person who is recording cannot intervene.

Do not hurry, do not rest

It’s not a trick, it’s a TARDIS

don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here


What do you want to do now?
Get in trouble, mostly.

All the world is lucky to be your home

And like if we have lovers we can go with our lovers

Blonde girl in overalls carrying laundry down nostrand ave

The second track on side five

You’ve made me the happiest juvenile delinquent in baltimore

Outside, I moved through the smog resolutely. My eyes were blue and my shoes were old and nobody loved me. But I had things to do.

How many worlds know us not

A true gentleman of indiscernible gender

capitalism dissolves and makes identity fluid to stop revolutionary action

But it is the story of that terrible stupid catastrophe and some of its consequences.